Wisconsin Department of Health Services - Division of Care and Treatment Services
Vendi equipped DHS staff and associates with insights, details and tools to introduce and implement Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) statewide.
The Division of Care and Treatment Services (DCTS) within Wisconsin’s Department of Health Services supports mental health for all individuals living with psychiatric disorders statewide.
A new resource in need of introduction
In 2024, DCTS instituted Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC), a new program that uses a care team approach to treat early serious mental illness. CSC unites young people, their families and care providers in accessing community-based services and creating personalized recovery plans.
A new partner in supporting mental health in Wisconsin
DCTS selected Vendi based on the ad agency’s proven success in state agency advertising and public services/resources promotion. Vendi set out to clarify CSC’s facets, functions and benefits for case managers, social workers, schools, clinics and county agencies throughout Wisconsin.
New resources help explain CSC and inspire hope
Advertising mental health services and other wellness resources requires exceptional understanding and compassion. Vendi’s research experts performed a series of interviews with community-based providers, certified peer specialists, clinicians and others to create friendly, authentic key messaging that would resonate with all audiences. Vendi then customized a communications strategy and array of deliverables featuring bold, optimistic, aspirational creative.
- A technical assistance (TA) guide website explained CSC and provided best practices for program implementation
- Targeted emails promoted CSC, the TA guide and DCTS
- A companion PowerPoint for the TA guide highlighted key definitions, statistics, benefits, interview quotes and more
- A printed overview brochure provided a handy reference for DCTS case managers and others
New ease, clarity and progress for DCTS staff, associates and clients
Marketing for mental health services such as CSC has the potential to produce widespread, life-changing results. Vendi is proud to help DCTS create positive change and improve mental health throughout Wisconsin.