125 4th St N
La Crosse, Wisconsin 54601


mother kissing baby on the head
Case study

Ohio Department of Children and Youth

While vital resources exist for families across Ohio, many were unaware of how to access them.

By using a mix of digital and traditional media, Vendi launched a statewide awareness campaign to get the word out, connecting Ohio families to resources and support.

Vendi empowers Ohio families with access to critical support

The state of Ohio offers many resources for families in an effort to prevent more serious interactions with the state’s child welfare system, but navigating access to those resources is oftentimes difficult.

The government marketing experts at Vendi helped the Ohio Children’s Trust Fund (OCTF) launch a targeted statewide awareness campaign connecting families and children to vital support in their communities, leading to better outcomes.

A multi-channel approach to reaching at-risk families

Using friendly and approachable messaging and creative, Vendi developed the “For the love of” campaign to make reaching out for support less scary for families. 

With a mix of paid, earned and owned tactics, Vendi’s media team reached the target audiences at just the right touch points. Our multi-channel approach included:

  • Digital ads
  • Billboards
  • Print collateral
  • Social media templates
  • News releases
  • Radio ads
  • Website enhancements

A successful partnership for stronger families

Vendi’s collaboration with the OCTF successfully increased awareness of available resources among at-risk families. The campaign empowered families to access support earlier, leading to improved family well-being and a reduction in interactions with the state’s child welfare system.

Meta ads
Out-of-home collateral
Portfolio templates